Monday, May 7, 2012

The Lady Has Left the Building

After a very positive life coaching consultation I picked up my Getting Business to Come to Me book that I threw down a few months ago. I freaked out because it discouraged doing a business that was more than ONE thing. Since Namaste Gourmet is yoga AND officiating AND coaching, I stopped reading. I did decide to let go of personal cheffing, but I could not pare down anymore than that.

So, as I made the move back to NY I am trying all avenues. And in all actuality I've tried all avenues for most of my life. I am thankful for the journey and truly think that the twists and turns have led me to exactly where I'm supposed to be.

I wish I kept reading the Getting Business to Come to Me book months ago, since I think I would be further along. While the authors stress focus, as I read further in the chapter they also encourage umbrella businesses that make sense. So, while I can act, do arts administration, teach and a dozen of other things, I am confusing my potential clients. When people think of me they probably think ALL of the things I do and I need to be clear. Who am I and can I be taken seriously?

So, in a flash, I decided to work on NG solely and let go of all of the arts stuff. I announced it on Facebook this morning and got a bit of support. I will certainly satisfy my creative side and my performative qualities (through yoga and officiating) and I will do what I do best - helping and inspiring others.

Once I made the announcement I proceeded to hit my eye on the corner of my table as I reached down to turn on my power strip. I also had delivery issues with both the pet supply store and the wine store. I spent hours in my apartment waiting for things that never came. I hope these are not warning signs, because I am not afraid - black eye or no.

I was thinking of giving up this blog when my apartment was fully settled and decorated, but it feels right to do it now. So, no more bitching and complaining. No more uncertainty and wishing things to happen. No more questioning the best path.

I have chosen.

Or perhaps it has chosen me.

Over lunch last week my friend Wesley encouraged me to write my stories down especially if I let the blog go. I'm sure I will, but it may not be a public forum.

So, this here lady is back in the East where she belongs. How 'bout some gratitudes before a little over and out?

1. a forum to document the journey and a few people that followed along
2. support from some friends and family
3. great resources
4. the ability to be flexible and endure - like a true survivor
5. the strength to know what I want and to go out and get it

Friday, May 4, 2012

Two drinks in, gratitudes!

I had a really light day today. I finished my Carl Hiassen book and waited for my case from the Chelsea Wine Market. When it didn't come as expected (just like last month) I called and rescheduled. I then headed over to Jossie's who was in the process of making a cake for David Grenke's surprise birthday party. I helped her color the fondant and decorate some cupcakes. She was freaking out, but I did my best to stay on task and get it done. She was attending the party and I was not dressed for it, so I headed home. I watched the latest episode of House and made myself a yummy gin and tonic. I then made a dinner of ravioli, leftover steak and butter lettuce with half an avocado. Since I had a bottle of red opened I poured myself a glass.

Since I was a little tipsy and bored I called a number of friends - Jennifer Denning, Michael Gaffney, Angela Aquino, Suehyla El-Attar. I spoke to two of the four.

Since I could not get to the library and finished my book this morning, I had little to do. So, here I sit at the McDonald's downloading The Mentalist and checking my email.

Email was on the light side, but the show downloaded, so I will head home. Tomorrow I head back to Jackson Heights to work on the Guggenheim stillspotting project. I do need to head to The Whitney to grab my water bottle. Here's hoping it's there after leaving it in the loading dock last night. I feel things are just kind of status quo. I hope for a little bump in the next week or so.

In the meantime, there are things I am grateful for:
1. warm weather
2. thunderstorms ( I cannot remember the last time I saw lightening and heard thunder)
3. catering leftovers
4. friends who answer their phones
5. a cookbook about to be published

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Something's Got to Budge!

I have internet access for a moment, so I thought I should quickly blog before I go to bed. Lots of crappy stuff and a little bit in the option department make for a bit of progress. Or at least a shimmer of optimism.

I started the bright and sunny day heading down to the Herald Square area for an interview at another temp job. I filled out all of the paperwork and it seems like there is some work to be had. But the recruiter was afraid that my resume would scare people away. According to my resume I have not done strictly Admin work in over 10 years - not since Coke. So, she encouraged me to "dumb" down my resume and make sure to add the temp work from the East Bay that I did in 2009/10, as well as the personal assisting work I did in 2010/11. I am getting more catering bookings from the 2 companies I work with, but I really need more. And in fact tonight, I worked another of those parties where I felt like "the help." The Hamptons set that were above it all and just felt privileged. For a moment I wished I was a guest at the party, but then I thought "why would I want to be friends with these people?"

In any case, I have not looked at my balance statement from March and April, but I am pretty sure that my expenses outweighed my income - especially due to the move.

Speaking of which, I found out today that my sofa will not be delivered for at least another month, the moving company is offering a measly $50 in settlement for my damaged armoire and my Oakland landlord never got my letter requesting the monies taken out for painting from my security deposit.

I am also still owed money from 3 other sources.

Maria and I talked about this last night since she is waiting on settlement money from her old dentist.


I am doing more work with Spoons Over America and hope to work with more event planners in the area. I know that something is bound to budge soon.

How 'bout some gratitude?
1. sunny days
2. the library (and movie rentals)
3. internet at McDonald's and right now at my apartment
4. a nice big kitchen
5. wine

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Saturday Gratitudes

Greetings from LI. I came out yesterday to watch David while my brother and sister-in-law went to a wedding. I had fun with my nephew playing in a fort, watching Scooby Doo and walking around the block. Right now it's quiet while he and his mom nap. I just finished reading The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest and am excited to start reading Sara's Key when I get back into the city.

A few things to be thankful for:
1. a great meeting with an event planner that may lead to Namaste Gourmet work
2. a good yoga class yesterday and talk of an audition to sub at the studio
3. great wine
4. hearing "I love you" from my nephew
5. 3 catering jobs this week

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Transition - A Photo Journal

The lack of internet at home has caused me to truly pick and choose what I spend my time on. That and working the Yoga Journal Conference for the past 4 days, updating the blog has not been much of a priority. I said I would post photos of my new place, so here you go! These were taken on April 11th.

The view from my entrance way into the main room. You can see a hint of the threshold that leads to the bathroom and kitchen at the left edge. Those were the last of the boxes. And yes, they are my last to unpack. 

 The air mattress I slept on the for the first month. The chair enabled Lincoln to climb up onto the window sill.

 And the delivery of the new furniture. I moved the tall IKEA bookcase further to the left along the same wall. Isn't it pretty. There are 4 drawers in the bed platform that certainly assist with storage.

Maxie already found a good place to hang out!

The bookcase in it's final place. The floor is also pretty even here, so it no longer looks like a leaning tower!

More unpacking and organizing.

but I've started to hang art!

The bathroom and the "hallway" that leads to the kitchen.

Monday, April 9, 2012

No news is no news

Access to a free wifi connection has not returned to my apartment, so it's been more difficult to post on a regular basis. I promise to upload some photos tomorrow, but I have not been hugely motivated.

I am having a down day since I did not get the restaurant job I interviewed for on Friday and I don't have any paid work coming my way until NEXT WEDNESDAY. I did have a good few days with my first Seder night at my house and then playing with my lovable nephew on Saturday and Sunday.

I tried to watch one of my library movies last night and after repeated attempts the disc got caught in my computer and didn't come out. My big excitement today was finally getting out of bed (where I could easily have read The Girl Who Played With Fire all day) and heading down to the Apple Store on Broadway and 67th. Luckily the replacement of my optical drive was covered under Apple Care so I just had to wait about 45 minutes for them to fix it.

I was able to check my email and start downloading some TV shows at the library today and continued my online adventures at the Apple Store and now at the local McDonald's. Nothing else to report so I will just head home and continue my reading and try and stay optimistic.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Photo Delinquent!

I've taken a bunch of photos, but the Internet is spotty at my apartment and I have yet to upload and post. Of course, I have a strong connection now, but am too tired to get out of bed and grab my camera. Sorry.

I worked another Cleaver event on Monday and this evening did my first for USE. It was a big dud. A party with wine and water and some fried plantains for the bar. That's it. My job was to replenish the bar snacks and bus. As is typical, the crowd did not move so it was difficult to maneuver around them.

How 'bout a little gratitude?
1. sunny days
2. catering leftovers
3. an extra bottle of white
4. the return of WIFI in my apartment
5. a super comfy mattress!