Friday, September 14, 2007

Turn that frown...

So last night while eating chips and salsa and drinking a gin and tonic, before Christine came over to join me in eating more chips and salsa and more cocktails! -- I got a voice mail from Jade, my advisor. She mentioned something about a TA position for fall. Um, I am already a TA for Drama 10 this fall, what could she possibly mean?

So today she informed me that since Jesse, a fellow MFA actor (and blog reader!) is taking the quarter off to teach, there is a slot open to work on The Third Eye Festival -- an undergraduate play festival where they handle all things, but need a little guidance.

So I am now the official Assistant Artistic Director of the festival and get an additional 25% TA ship for Fall and Winter quarters. The position is technically a 50% TA ship, but since I can only take on 75% (with a petition from the department) I have more responsibility and get DOUBLE the amount of money split over 2 quarters.

I will read the three plays over the next few days and then get ready for meetings, auditions and a bevy of rehearsals in the weeks to come. The plays are not performed until January, so I'm sure you will hear the frustrations and excitments until then.

I am very excited about this project. Hopefully the additional time commitment will not kill me.

1 comment:

~a said...

very cool! congratulations!!
like i always say.. go deep or go home.
you'll rock!!