Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy New Year!

This year Rosh Hashana falls during the school year. So my time of reflection and bonding with other Jews in synagogue was minimal to non-existent. I hoped to attend a little bit of the service this morning before my 10AM voice class, but I needed to hit the book store and buy the Linklater book, read a 30 pages and formulate a question instead. Unfortunately, when I got to the bookstore Freeing the Natural Voice was sold-out so I biked to the department in the hopes of catching one of my classmates. Luckily, Christine was on break so I ran in and grabbed Brett's book. In the green room I read a bit and was the model for Chris Gee who was apparently working on his figure sketching.

During lunch today, there was an Arts Luncheon, so I grabbed some pizza and salad and headed solo to the Arboretum. I sat for a few minutes and collected my thoughts, but since I am trying to fight a cold so after failing to get on-line I set my cellphone alarm and took a nap.

I woke up sweaty and hot and headed to the UClub for my 2:10PM Contact Improv class. Brendan Ward was on his way so we walked though the Arboretum together. I opened the door and hung outside in the shade. I wanted a little peace to check my email and perhaps play a round of Word Twist on Facebook, but a few of the chatty undergrads just happened to sit around me. There are a few that just like to hear their own voices, and it makes me thankful for grad classes. Contact Improv is my only Undergrad class and it's amazing to see the difference in maturity and learning. In today's class we worked a bit with letting go of control. Nita called me to join her in the center of the circle to demonstrate an exercise. Similar to the hand slapping game, we had to hold our hands palms up in the hands of our partner. At any time they can let our hands fall. We then need to scoop under and grab their hands and support them. It's not surprising that I had a hard time letting go. The class laughed as Nita verbally persuaded me to release the energy in my arms. However, when the class moved into doing the exercise in pairs, many in the class had the same problem that I had.

As I reflect on my time here, I continue to release and let go.

Not really, but a girl can have a mantra for the new year, right.

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