Monday, April 20, 2009

More Procrastination!

Yesterday during the run of Oklahoma, I twisted my ankle during the big chasse section in The Farmer and the Cowman. Therefore for the remainder of Act 2 I sat with a bag of frozen peas on my ankle and delivered my lines from the side. I was able to gingerly walk on it after rehearsal and I now sit and have it wrapped with a small bag of frozen spinach as I type from my couch. 

It's kinda where I am right now, but now that the stress from my thesis performance is gone, I have not been as motivated. There's a ton to do, but now I have this big excuse of having to sit on my rump and keep my leg up.

Here's a little list:
-- I have a pile of dishes in the sink
-- My floor is covered with dirt and leaves from the Picnic Day parade that went from my back yard, in the house and back again
-- I have to mail my taxes to my accountant, Sallie Lawrence in Atlanta - thank the lord for extensions!!
-- I have to create the grading system on my DRA 10 class website
-- And don't get me started with the list to do for Dada
-- Lastly, I have a 40 page paper to write in defense of my thesis performance.

Luckily, most of these can be accomplished sitting down. However, I just don't wanna! I seem to be a person that thrives on deadlines and waits to the last minute. Just as I found with my thesis, the longer something has time to settle in my body, the stronger it is. I guess that could be the same and the grime on my carpet. The longer it sits the deeper it gets.

Hmmmm. If I vacuum now, I don't have to write my thesis...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Re-entry into the World of the Blog

After being slightly disappointed that my readership had fallen, I decided to stop the blogging.  I was writing regularly in my thesis journal, but some life things fell into there since there was no other outlet.  I am not sure why I am starting again, other than I would love a record as I begin this new round of beginnings. I started this blog 2 years ago during an amazing transition in my life and as I leave the comfort of school, it would be nice to document what comes next.

This year has been quite eventful. A new crop of classmates that continue to challenge me and push me to new heights. Productions that give me the opportunity to return to old strengths and consider how my body and mind has changed.

In Winter Quarter, I performed in NY choreographer John Jasperse's new work, Beyond Belief. It was a fascinating journey and I am now in the best shape I've been in my life. Rehearsing dance for 5 hours a night, 6 days a week can do that to you. The piece revolved around truth and illusion and there were some true modern dance sections, as well as more "acty" performative pieces. When I met with Praba yesterday to talk about my thesis and Dada she mentioned my stage presence in Beyond Belief. Since I certainly was not the strongest dancer, I had to use my other strengths to get by. I like that my "fake it 'till you make it" mindset still holds true - and works! There's a good chance that I will never do a work like that again, so I was honored and humbled to do it and it certainly encouraged my body to move in new, more fluid ways.

Speaking of my thesis, our Solo Explorations performance was last weekend. My parents arrived from Florida around this time last week and the stress level was high for so many reasons. I currently sit in the Green Room of the Mondavi Center as I await an Oklahoma Sitz Prob, but the craziness of last week, just down the hall feels a million miles away. The stress of the event has taken up shop in my neck and I am in considerable pain. I am not sure what to do. The hot water bottle seemed to work wonders last night, but as I taught DRA 10 today, it came back with a vengence. I wonder if I need to go to an acupuncturist. I went to see Dean Woo one of the Davis massage therapists this week. He worked for 90 minutes on my back. My shoulders were more open and loose, but the pain was still there. Tim had a pain in his leg that Jade worked her magic on yesterday. Maybe I need to pay her a visit.

Or maybe I should take a little nap and dream that it all goes away.