Monday, April 20, 2009

More Procrastination!

Yesterday during the run of Oklahoma, I twisted my ankle during the big chasse section in The Farmer and the Cowman. Therefore for the remainder of Act 2 I sat with a bag of frozen peas on my ankle and delivered my lines from the side. I was able to gingerly walk on it after rehearsal and I now sit and have it wrapped with a small bag of frozen spinach as I type from my couch. 

It's kinda where I am right now, but now that the stress from my thesis performance is gone, I have not been as motivated. There's a ton to do, but now I have this big excuse of having to sit on my rump and keep my leg up.

Here's a little list:
-- I have a pile of dishes in the sink
-- My floor is covered with dirt and leaves from the Picnic Day parade that went from my back yard, in the house and back again
-- I have to mail my taxes to my accountant, Sallie Lawrence in Atlanta - thank the lord for extensions!!
-- I have to create the grading system on my DRA 10 class website
-- And don't get me started with the list to do for Dada
-- Lastly, I have a 40 page paper to write in defense of my thesis performance.

Luckily, most of these can be accomplished sitting down. However, I just don't wanna! I seem to be a person that thrives on deadlines and waits to the last minute. Just as I found with my thesis, the longer something has time to settle in my body, the stronger it is. I guess that could be the same and the grime on my carpet. The longer it sits the deeper it gets.

Hmmmm. If I vacuum now, I don't have to write my thesis...

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