Thursday, June 25, 2009

End of Week!

Today is Thursday and I cannot believe it's already 11:15AM. Where has the day gone? I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 9AM. Well, have a cat pull your hair at 6AM saying, "Isn't it time to feed me?" but lately I have been going back to bed and waking up when my body says "enough."

Kinda nice.

I know it's not going to last, but my usual 6:30AM introduction to the day is not really necessary. I don't teach 2 mornings at 8AM any longer. I teach 4 afternoons at 2PM. TWO PM!! Crazy! How about a nice 4 day weekend?

My classes are going along really well. I am having a blast and my students are balls of excitement. Most of them arrive super early and they have already started to dance with gusto. I usually yell at them to not be wimpy. And they are totally following direction. Yesterday we did a little work in Laban. Feeling light/strong, sustained/abrupt & direct/indirect in the body. We talked briefly about pendular and bound/free, but for the time being they didn't seem as relevant. In both classes the students were pretty reticent about sharing. I find that going around the circle with one comment is super helpful. So, I asked them to share their personal categories of indirect/direct and light/strong one at a time in the circle and in my first class, I asked them to share one word about their body scan experience. In all of my classes I have my students walk around the room and do a scan of their bodies head to toe. I guide them through body parts, bones, muscles or joints. It depends on the day. With my acting class (and the Fundamentals of Movement class that I taught last Fall) I also guide them through their chakras. I don't think I will play with that in my Hip Hop class.

When I got home from class yesterday I decided to play with the News category on my bookmark bar. I removed those news sources that I never read and along with the NYT, CNN and the Washington Post I decided to add The San Fransisco Chronicle. While reading the New York Times I got tired about looking at articles about restaurants I may never go to or arts events that I cannot attend. I need to learn about my new city so I can take advantage of all it has to offer. Because there is so much unknown I am not frightened. I am prepared to take my strong and direct person into Fog City in August!

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