Thursday, August 13, 2009

Stupid and Naive

So after 2 years of living in Davis, I can finally get the stupid award. I kinda already got it when I decided not to lock my bicycle up at Sarah's house when we moved from the hot tub to her apartment to watch a movie. When I left with Jamie a few hours later, my bike was gone. Yes, stupid. Why would I think that someone would not take advantage of an unlocked bicycle. Yeah, dumb.

But this one really takes the cake. The weather in the summer here in Davis is scarily warm. We have been very lucky and it's been hovering around 90, but yesterday it was in the triple digits. When I got home from class I put the air on, but knew that when I would get back from dinner at Victoria's that it would be cool out. So I opened all of my windows and left my back door open. There is a screen door that's held shut with a cinder block, but that's so the cats stay in, not to keep anyone out.

I'm sure you know what's coming. And I should have known better.

When I arrived home around 11:30pm I came in through my front door and noticed that my back door was still open. I did see my top drawer of my night stand open and really didn't think too much of it. Until I walked to my back door and noticed that the cinder block was moved away from the door completely. Right then I knew that someone had been inside. I looked through the open drawer and saw that one of my earrings was missing. I knew that I took them off before bed 2 nights ago. Okay, I thought, so someone came in here and stole an earring. It was not until this morning that I looked up from my bed to the top of my armoire to see the empty spot where my jewelry box used to be. Granted there was a whole bunch of crap in it. Mostly sentimental stuff, but the box and most of the contents I've had since I was little. I think there was a gold childs ring and my mom's circle pin. I cannot see anything else missing.

My computer was there in the living room and my TV and printer were still around, too. I'm guessing whoever came in grabbed what they could quickly and left. Luckily he/she/they didn't come back and thank the lord above that that's all they took and they didn't harm my cats.

I did call the police and file a report. An officer came by around 7:30am this morning to take a statement, but there was nothing she could pull fingerprints from. The screen door handle and the night stand pull were both too small.

So, yes, lesson learned. I will no longer leave my back door opened or assume that living in Pleasantville is not subject to crime.


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