Friday, January 29, 2010

Continued spin!

So yesterday was a super bad day. I woke up at around 10AM and could barely get myself out of bed. I was trying to deal with the fact that walking was difficult and then I just got myself to the couch and started researching doctor options. The vertigo had gotten so bad that it was constant and the nausea was coming on. I called the hospital nurse help like and she suggested I get some meclizine to start. If that didn't work she suggested I come into the hospital or to one of the free clinics in Oakland. So, Tony drove me to the Walgreen's and since I couldn't really read any of the packages, I bought the cheapest one. This crap called Zentrip in truly disgusting strips.

The stuff didn't work and I vomited it up within an hour. To make a long story short (I know, very rare) I wound up at 2 different clinics before going to Highland Hospital. I believe it's the Grady of the East Bay. Check in and registration were super fast and after 30 minutes I also had blood drawn. But the wait for a doctor was (drum roll, please) 7 HOURS.


There were 5 traumas that came through and I believe at least one provider called in sick. But the worst of all, was my the time the doctor came in, my symptoms were GONE. So, she tried to induce the vertigo, but nada. I left there with a prescription for Adavair and the paperwork for free health coverage in the area. I honestly felt that I was crazy. They apologized for my wait, but there was little else they could do. Mostly, I felt bad for Tony. He cancelled a meeting he had and postponed going up to Davis to wait with me in the lobby. I am very lucky.

Today, the dizziness returned, but it was not as bad. I did pass on going to Shy's yoga class this afternoon and sat on the couch with my head as still as possible. Christine Chen suggested I try the Epley Maneuver.

Doing this totally made me sick. Luckily, Christine sent this message and I responded in turn.

Just like yesterday I felt good this evening. So good in fact that Tony and I walked up to Berkeley Rep to see Aurelia's Oratorio tonight. After the show we headed to Emily's for a little conversation and Tim Tams with hot cocoa and then a nice walk home. My fingers are crossed that the Epley Maneuver worked and this Benign Vertigo is done for now.

1. Tony for his friendship and generosity
2. my ability to cook a good dinner
3. nice winter weather
4. chocolate
5. a little bit of work

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