Sunday, October 3, 2010

What is this Blogging Business?

I have not blogged in a week and I really have not wanted to write. Or perhaps I have little to report. I am drinking a hot chocolate with a little bourbon and it's affecting me a little more than I thought it would. But I also realize that I am a super fast typist and I no longer have to look at the keyboard.

How cool is that?

Anyway, billing lots of hours with the organizations I work for. Not too much from the personal arts world, but I did get new headshots and have my showing at CounterPULSE a week from today. I met two musicians this week for Funny Bone and I am optimistic that one of them will work out. Fingers crossed.

I really should get cracking on the 'humor' definition, but I am not sure if the alcohol has hit me too much. Maybe that will be a good thing.

Hey how 'bout some gratitudes:
1. free yoga today
2. winning tickets for the Marsh Berkeley
3. musicians interested in my work
4. catering left overs
5. kitties to keep me warm

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