Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Luminosity update

I really enjoy using Maria Nemeth's book to guide my yoga practice - and teaching practice this week. I find people are enjoying the word LUMINOUS. It's such a wonderful word.

Webster defines it this way:


  1. Bright or shining, esp. in the dark.
  2. (of a person's complexion or eyes) Glowing with health, vigor, or a particular emotion: "her eyes were luminous with joy"

Dr. Nemeth breaks it down into 4 categories: Grace, Ease, Focus and Clarity.

So in my class on Monday and my two classes today we played with these ideas as we practiced our asana. And it's been wonderful.

I really enjoy teaching and it will be sad to let my 6AM class go. As I write my business plan and work to make Namaste Gourmet sustainable, I look forward to sharing my practice with more people in a complete way.

I have started to make space for what's next, but I hope I don't dig into my savings in the process. I hope that I didn't make a huge mistake by throwing caution to the wind and letting go before I had all ducks in a row and lots of security.

But for the time being let's release security and take on LUMINOSITY!

What am I grateful for you ask?

1. Living by myself without someone to judge how I live
2. yoga
3. Catering gigs the rest of the week
4. sunshine
5. Warmth - in the form of clothing and my apartment

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