Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sound of Train whistles and traffic

I was going to say something about it being super quiet, but just because I finally turned the TV off doesn't mean that it's silent. In fact besides the outside noise, I also hear Ian upstairs playing music. Earlier today it was The Beatles on a keyboard, but now it's more muffled.

I am still in my PJs and of course on the couch, but I am making progress. I am securing an appointment with a PT in Oakland and think I have a temp job that starts on Monday. Not great news if I heard it two months ago, but super positive based on how things have been going.

Yesterday I had an interview with a temp agency in Emeryville. It's been a while since I interviewed for an admin position and at least 2 years since I did all of those tests. I didn't do horrible, but I certainly didn't do as well as I should have. I tested on MS Office programs from 2003 and things have changed since then. Not counting the fact that I now use a Mac with all different key codes and shortcuts.

That being said, there is a part-time temp assignment in Oakland and I think it will give me time to do my art stuff and perhaps teach a class. I may need to grab work at night, but for the time being it's okay.

Remember that guy that I met with my parents when they were out for On the Town? We ran into him at Bakesale Betty's before a show? Well, maybe I never wrote about Dore. Either way, I went out with him and his son Miles last night and Dore mentioned a great PT office in Oakland. They may be able to get me in the first week of November, but I cannot schedule an appointment until the paperwork goes through. Gosh, I love all of this red tape!

Tomorrow the folks from the PG&E CARE program come out and do the fixes on the apartment. That will probably force me to get up and dressed on the early side. My bedroom has gotten a little messy, so I would like to take a shower now and do a bit of tidying.

My cold is still present, but the congestion has eased a bit. I feel a little scratchy in the throat and a little tired, but all in all I think I'm on the mend.

Hey, I'm on the mend.

And I'm grateful.

1. discount utility programs
2. food in the freezer
3. sunny skies
4. doctors office employees who get answers to questions
5. a washing machine IN my apartment

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