Friday, April 9, 2010

More from the exciting world of Health

For a person that rarely gets sick it's been a little more than disconcerting that I have had so many health issues in the past 6 months. I like to think that when I am under the weather, it's a little sign that I need to slow down. Pay attention to my body and relax a bit.

But this is ridiculous.

Sprained ankle, broken foot, vertigo and a think there was a cold somewhere in there. I did go back to the orthopedist on Monday and he said that the ligaments in my left ankle are still a little loose. And now, for the last week I have a swollen lymph node. I have always had some type of throat issue and when I met with Bella last year she mentioned that Taureans tend to have problems in this area. Remember? Anyway, since I needed a TB test to work at Cal Shakes, I decided to follow the great posts on yelp and go see the nice people at the Berkeley Free Clinic. They only take appointments day of and they start at 7pm. So last night I made an appointment to get the test and have them look at my nodes.

To keep the suspense low, they basically said that I should not be concerned. I have no cough or sore throat, so there's a good chance that my lymph system is just fighting something off. Appointments at the clinic are completely free which makes this a great option since I have no health insurance. But when I go back on Saturday to have them check my arm where they injected the TB goo, I will probably leave some money. I may even volunteer when I have more steady employment.

I should be drinking more water and getting more sleep. So I am calling it a night. Yoga was a huge help this evening and so was the prescription of sudafed that they gave me last night. But for now I will rest.

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