I returned to 7th Heaven this afternoon for an Inversion Workshop and Shy's class. It was slightly weird to not be in the studio at noon since it's where I've spent my Sundays for the last 5 months. I first saw Justin who was in my class and he said something about the studio not being our home anymore. And I totally felt that. There is something very homey about that place, but it didn't feel the same today.
The workshop was good. It did not blow me away, but I approached inversions in a new way. Aubrey Hackman and Shy made inversions very accessible. Their teachings gave me a great "in" to be able to lead an inversion based class. Balasana, Uttanasana, Adho mukha svanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana are light inversions. It's an easy way into the power of working with gravity in a new way. It's also easier to approach those poses than the full inversions of headstand and shoulder stand which are more challenging for beginning students.
During Shy's class I found some new things, as well. First, ways to build heat are both keeping the flow and holding difficult poses for longer. I find that the classes I teach lately are more calming. I would love an opportunity this week to teach a power class. The second thing I found was jumping up into ottanasaa from down dog. Keeping forward momentum and not looking back I was able to jump up with ease and grace - feet between the hands, not behind. I wound up surprising myself.
Here's to strong yoga this week, as well as a successful audition tomorrow and a good interview for a writing gig on Friday.
1. yoga
2. Word Twist on Facebook
3. a sturdy bike
4. coffee with soy milk
5. a jazz festival on 4th street
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