Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jump start the RISK!

So, I am still sitting on the couch and continue to write passive posts. I made a grave error this morning and missed my last physical therapy appointment. Since my PT only works on Tuesday and Thursdays I cannot get in there for THREE WEEKS.

Yes, incredible.

I called the orthopedist and he still wants to see me on Thursday, so hopefully the x-rays will be clean and I will get the go ahead to return to running and jumping.

But then there's that risk thing again. I think with no money coming in, I am more afraid to take risks than ever. It's much easier - and cost effective - to stay at home watch TV. However, it's a little difficult to meet people if you never leave the house.

I am meeting some people with the online dating thing and I may just need to use my credit card and end this self pity once and for all. I need to start dancing and teaching. Hopefully I will be able to take Chauncey's jazz class at The Beat on Saturday. And fingers crossed that my Boxcar callback goes well tonight.

I had a great meeting with CalShakes yesterday about teaching, but they need to see me teach before I'm put on the roster. Ah, the catch 22.

I feel the potential energy building, but I do need a jump start. And unfortunately, it's not happening on it's own.

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