Monday, December 21, 2009


So as a person who enjoys ritual, I think I have found one. It's not the best for my person or wallet, but it's regular nonetheless. Lately it's been going to bed around 1AM, getting up to feed the cats around 7AM and then going back to bed. I usually force myself to get up at 10AM and have breakfast since no one should be in bed after 10. Really. I usually wind up heading to the couch and grabbing a blanket and checking my email.

Don't judge the bed to couch thing. I know you are jealous! I mean do you have nails this long from the lack of regular work?

Yeah, I thought not!

Anyway, so as I look for work and welcome a routine that actually gets me out of the house, I have to say this ritual works. I mean, heck, it's a ritual. I love those. And while my bank account is not super happy with the current situation, I think I'll miss this ritual.


I do feel change on the horizon, however. As I clean the house today and hopefully finish my pending cover letters for various faculty positions, I think all of the resumes electronically sent around the city will pan out. Fingers crossed that these jobs are actually in my field. But that's another story.

Okay, these nails while impressive and stylish make it difficult to type. So after a little gratitude, I think they will get a little trim.

1. good friends - namely Randy and Christine
2. living close to the water
3. leftovers - still got 'em
4. Jon Stewart - he's got a funny show
5. natural light - not the beer, folks - i mean who needs to go outside in the rain?

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