Monday, February 8, 2010

A Little Stumble

The little jaunt in the city kept me off my regular routine. While it was nice to hang in the city with the parents, I was drinking less water, didn't floss at all and failed to do my yoga exercises. Chauncey's class yesterday and yoga today hopefully got me back on track. There was a good amount of water with the increased activity, and tonight I hope to return to better dental hygiene.

After yoga tonight, Shy had a party to celebrate his first year anniversary at 7th Heaven. It was a little bit of meditation and some noshing. I was looking forward to the partner yoga and massage, but left before it happened. If it indeed happened. However, I had a lovely talk with Eleni from the teacher training. Her experience is similar to mine. Traveling across the country without knowing many people. Once she got to Seattle she suffered health problems as she looked for work. She was down in the dumps for about 6 months until she decided to ask for help. She opened herself up and shared her hard times with her family and friends. Luckily they came out in force to assist.

I do feel like I have been asking for help and truly don't think there would be many to come out and assist that have not done so already. Therefore I'm hoping that it's a time issue. February is the 6th month for me. The last week or so things have seemed to turn around. In my last entry I said that I am not feeling optimistic about the faculty positions. And when I got home on Thursday night I got my first rejection letter from the first university I applied for - DePaul. On the wiki site I noticed that one posted notices of phone interviews at each Indiana and at West Chester. Therefore I cannot resign myself to leaving town. I need to have the drive to make it work.

Here's to a the final month of crap and an exciting turn around.

Oh, and the gratitudes:
1. a friendly ear
2. lovely weather today
3. House on the DVR
4. generosity with a fellow teacher calling her chiropractic student husband to give me an adjustment
5. the drive to get back on track

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