Friday, March 30, 2012

Late Night/Early Morning

Worked my first Cleaver gig tonight and it didn't suck and neither did I. Actually, it was great and a fairly easy ride. No unloading of the van. The cool thing is that they were able to drive it into the building and up to the 15th floor to unload it. I also didn't have to help break everything down at the end of the night and load the van. Once the party was done, we already packed up the kitchen and I LEFT with the rest of the kitchen ladies.

The view out the window of our make shift kitchen was pretty great. We were all the way over on the westside, so views of NJ and the Hudson. And construction down by the World Trade Center. It did remind me of views of the Bay Bridge from some of the parties I catered with Hugh.

I was a little nervous going in tonight and I did feel a bit apprehensive in places. I worked with veterans, so they were kind and showed me the ropes. I just need to feel more assured of my work and not worried so much about proving myself. I am totally skilled and capable. And I luckily left with lots of leftovers - which comes in handy because food is STINKIN' EXPENSIVE IN THIS CITY.

Kim offered rides to us which was very generous. She dropped me at 42nd and 7th. I think she took Dianna to the train and Valere all the way up to 125th but closer to the east side. The 1 was crowded, but luckily I got a seat when folks transferred to the Express.

Some gratitudes before slumber:
1. nice co-workers
2. strong coffee
3. connecting with more Atlanta folks
4. catering leftovers
5. possibilities

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