Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Falling by the Wayside

As I prepare to move my life back to the East Coast, I am trying to clean the clutter. Getting rid of old email addresses for companies I no longer work with, creating a bag of clothes for donation and stopping myself from buying anything I don't need right now. It's much easier to pick up new things than move them.

I did contact a moving company to get an estimate. It may be the holiday weekend, but I have yet to hear from them. Finding a moving company may be a little more difficult than I thought. That and selling my car. I guess those are the two things I could secure now, but have yet to devote time and energy. The job thing may not happen until I arrive in NY and the housing thing is starting to look promising. I am starting to see things for February 1 start dates, so it's only a matter of time until we hit the March time frame.

I am continuing to do things in the Bay before I go. I took a segway tour wih Randy yesterday and met my friend Michael for lunch at the Ferry Building. So, I was able to knock off 2 things from the 7x7 list. Irish Coffee at Buena Vista with Randy and a warm egg salad sandwich at Il Cane Rosso with Michael. I did plan to go into the city today for a walking tour, but with trying to clean out my emails and log some hours, as well as jump on the Yoga Entrepreneur's web conference, I decided to stay home. I passed on yoga today and will take Sarah's Urban Contemporary class tonight. I am way out of practice, so I am curious how that will go.

It's gotten cold in the East Bay and starting tomorrow the rains come. I may start getting crabby.

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