Monday, January 2, 2012

Really Listening

I taught my last class at Vara Healing Arts in Albany this evening. I subbed 3 classes for a teacher who was out of town for the holidays. The first one was magical, the second was a mother and daughter practicing together and today was a rag tag mix of beginners, plus 2 more seasoned older women. However, the joy happened after class. This one student wanted to talk to me about something. But honestly, she just wanted to me to listen. I did feel obligated to give her a response, but it was mostly affirming what she already thought -- about fear taking up hold in her belly and manifesting itself in her poses.

This got us on to a bigger conversation about comfort in our bodies and as it turns out this 60 year old woman who is obviously a dancer is just getting settled and content in her body. I had to hug her. I was so proud of her for coming out and mentioning her fears, recognizing her success and applauding myself for both fully listening and empowering her.

As I study more about Life Coaching, I am equally scared and quite ready to take on clients. The conversation after class really affirmed that I can really listen. I can give people the space and freedom to say what they need. Truly.

Yea, me!

1. a well deserved glass of wine
2. time to nap today
3. more work
4. a website that's just about ready to launch
5. free parking in Berkeley today

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