Friday, January 27, 2012

Gosh, I Needed That

Even though I was completely beat this morning from a long day yesterday, I hauled myself up early this morning, moved my car into a spot I could stay all day, packed for the DAY and hoofed it to yoga. It was so well needed. I have been a bit scattered and tired and the freak outs are set to begin, so it was a smart choice to send some breath into my mind and my body. Afterwards I felt amazing.

I was not successful quieting my mind, however. My brain was all over the place. I was thinking mostly about my connection with yoga. The fact that I had such a great teaching practice with Daniel the other day. And yesterday at Phil's, one of the new staffers, Khaleshia said something to the affect of 'all people who do yoga are happier.' I am not sure that's true, but it certainly centers me. This made me think about the larger picture - mostly the fact that I left New York 20 years ago because I had no friends. And here I am leaving the Bay Area for mostly the same reason and heading back to the place that started it all. It also made me ponder the fact that I applied to Cornell University's Industrial Psychology department and got in Sophomore Guarantee which I felt was failing. Therefore I passed on it and took the more creative route. And here I am 20 years later heading into Life Coaching.

So the hard question is 'was it worth it?' I made this HUGE detour just to come back to the same place. I while I was unsure yesterday, by the end of yoga class I know that I made the right decision. I think the person I was 20 years ago would not have been happy doing Industrial Psychology then. But I had adventures and experiences that opened me up to listen and counsel. To inspire and expand. To respect and motivate.

Pretty powerful, non?

After class, I grabbed some coffee and breakfast before jumping on BART to head to Downtown Berkeley and work a busy Phil's shift. There were a number of things that I didn't complete last night, so I arrived early to do those before other staff showed up. It was a busy day and I stayed late and arrived at The Ashby Stage with 15 minutes to spare before the start of God's Plot. Luckily I had a chance to grab a banana across the street and check in with my parents before the show.

The show was really wonderful. I have seen a few clunkers at Shotgun, so it's super exciting when you see a show that works well. It also seemed that the entire cast really and truly enjoyed each other. Well created, well presented. Just good. And it felt very Bay Area. I am glad that I went and got a little creative recharge.

My tiredness is setting in, so I will list my gratitudes and call it a night.

1. good theatre
2. beer
3. good parking karma
4. yoga and breath
5. a usable and easy transportation system

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