Sunday, January 22, 2012

Trying Not to FREAK OUT!

So my move is just over a month away and there is so much to do. I am finding ways to promote Namaste Gourmet in New York, I keep applying for jobs and I continue to look for housing in my price range. Unfortunately there is not a lot going on in any of these areas.

I have a feeling that most employers see my out of town address and just toss my application. And most health, wellness and event resources I have are best contacted when I am in the area. The whole apartment thing is just crazy. All apartments require a guaranteed income and want to see financial data to back it up. Pay stubs or tax forms. Unfortunately as a new business owner and an independent contractor I cannot prove income large enough. It should not be a surprise to anyone when I say that NY is Expensive. My heart begins to hurt as I continue to question the move. Heck I left 20 years ago because it was not a good fit. What's to say that it will be better now. Especially when I don't make a ton and the standard of living is high.

There are things I need to do to prep on this end. Sell my furniture and car. Find movers and figure out the last few days. Living in an apartment without most of my stuff. I started cleaning my apartment yesterday and will finish today. I hope to take photos of everything that's got to go and post to Craigslist. I am more than happy to let go of my couch, coffee table and media center now. The bookcase and armoire will have to wait, and I plan to put my mattress set on Freecycle. It's an old set and Maxie has done a number on it. The good thing is that Macy's is having a mattress sale, so I plan to buy something now and have it delivered on the 5th of March.

I went back to my early blog posts to see how things were handled on the Atlanta outbound. By this time everything was settled. I think with knowledge of school and the known issues of living in a college town things were certainly different.

I use my yogic breathing to keep myself calm. I'm just curious to know when it won't be strong enough to keep me from completely freaking out.

Wish me calming breaths and lots of luck.

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